Beyond the Bump
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce. This podcast is targetted at mums, just like you. A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people. The aim is to have you feeling lighter, more supported and more understood after each listen.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Join us for our 188th episode of Beyond the Bump, as we welcome the incredible Kasey Edwards back to the show. After our recent conversation with Kasey about raising girls who like themselves, we couldn't ignore the overwhelming demand from our boy mamas: 'When is the boy episode coming?' Well, the wait is over!
Join us as Kasey, an author and mum, dives into the research from her latest book, 'Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves.' We asked her all your burning questions about raising empathetic and kind boys who remain resilient and strong.
This episode isn't exclusively for parents of boys. There are just as many valuable tips and insights from this conversation as there are from our girl episode – it's all about raising kids who genuinely like themselves!
P.S. We will be going on a two week midyear podcast break after this episode. Enjoy, and we'll see you soon!
Resource links:
Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves
Raising Girls to Like Themselves
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Join us in our 187th BONUS episode of Beyond the Bump as we dive into the exciting world of motherhood and living away from family. In this episode, we sit down with Erin, a remarkable mama to three girls and the founder of Le Puree. Get ready for a lively discussion as Erin shares her insights on the perks, drawbacks, and unexpected realities of living away from family. Discover how she navigates the challenges and finds support in a different country. From the value of independence to the quest for assistance, we explore it all in this eye-opening conversation.
In this engaging episode, we also hear from Jayde, who moved to a different state after becoming a mother, and Sophie, who relocated before starting her family. Together, we all reflect on our personal experiences and shed light on the unique aspects of living away from family. Whether you're contemplating a big move or curious about the joys and drawbacks of being away from your support network, this discussion will provide valuable insights and plenty of laughter along the way.
And as always, we hope you enjoy!
Resource links:
Listen to Beyond the Bump Episode 68: Making Friends as a Mama on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Join our Facebook group: BTB MAMA MATES MEET UPS
Le Puree
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Join us in our 186th episode of Beyond the Bump, as we chat with Nick (Harry) Couldwell all about hitting a very big milestone: 10 years of parenthood!!! We go back to the very beginning, from the thrill of finding out they were expecting to the challenges of postnatal depression and relationship hurdles, we explore it all. Brace yourself for raw emotions, unexpected twists, and inspiring insights on growth, love, and resilience. Don't miss this milestone celebration episode - it's a rollercoaster ride of emotions you won't want to miss!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
In our 185th BONUS episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with the beautiful Clare. Clare is a midwife and a mother of three and today she answers all your newborn questions:
What can we expect over the first few days after having a baby?
How long does it take for our milk to come through?
Why is there such a varied amount of time that people stay in hospital after a ‘straightforward’ birth?
Words of advice for first time mums when taking their newborn home for the first time?
What are some things we can do to prepare for the coming home process while we’re waiting for bub to arrive?
What should be the first thing we do when we walk through the door with a newborn?
What should we expect in terms of sleep in a newborn?
How can we reassure ourself when bub is sleeping that they’re actually okay?
Why do so many bubs not like sleeping in a bassinet but will sleep on us?
Is it advised to swaddle all newborns or do some just not like it?
When should we move to a sleepsuit?
Should we be timing our feeds?
Should we be breastfeeding off both sides?
What’s the difference between oversupply and mastitis? And some tips to manage both.
What about low supply, what are some things we can do?
If we are exclusively breastfeeding how do we know our baby is getting enough?
Are some bubs burpers and others just not?
What’s the general poo journey of a newborn and when should we be concerned?
How much bleeding is to be expected after birth and when should we be concerned?
Let’s bloody talk about after birth pains!! And some tips on how to manage them!
How long should we wait to bath our bubs? And what’s the benefit of waiting a little bit?
How do we know if our bub is dressed correctly for the weather?
Advice on getting family to give us some space after giving birth.
Thoughts on having visitors at the hospital?
What are some general health red flags for mum and bub that we should look out for?
Resource links:
The Womb Rooms
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
In our 184th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with the beautiful Isobel. She chats to us about her journey going through termination for medical reasons (TFMR). Please note that this is a very personal story and is in no way medical advice.
Trigger warning for anyone who has gone through infant loss, still birth, or miscarriage, you may find this episode difficult to listen to.
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In our 183rd episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Dr Golly and he gives us a brilliant rundown of winter bugs. We hope you enjoy!!!
Are people getting more sick post Covid or is it our brains’ tricking us and Winter has always been this bad?
Eastern versus Western medicine practices.
What are the most common illnesses in kids during Winter?
How do you treat lice? And is there any way to prevent it?
What are some red flags we should look out for in our kids when it comes to winter illnesses?
What does Dr Golly have in his medicine kit at home that’s worth parents having?
What’s a normal amount of illnesses per year?
Should we be sending our kids to daycare to build a stronger immune systems?
Do immunisations help with all the illnesses?
Thoughts on kids under five years old getting the flu vaccination?
How long is someone contagious for when they have the flu?
Should we be using humidifiers when our kids have upper respiratory tract infections?
Is it a myth or a fact that being cold makes you sick?
How should we dress our kids when they have a fever?
Does the colour of kids snot mean anything?
Viral versus bacterial. What are the differences between the two and which is more common?
Should we be giving probiotics together with antibiotics?
Tips for children who will not take medication.
How cautious do we need to be about keeping toddlers away from newborns? And should we pull our little one out of daycare when a newborn arrives?
Are there certain foods we should avoid feeding ourselves and our bubs after a gastro virus?
Why do bubs under 3 months who have a fever need to see the doctor?
Listen to Dr Golly & the Experts podcast on Apple or Spotify
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
In our 182nd episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Leila. Leila is a postpartum doula from Village for Mama and she has recently had twins. She chats to us all about her twin pregnancy, her twin postpartum and everything in between. We hope you enjoy!!!
How did you know you were ready to try for baby number two?
What was it like finding out you were pregnant with twins?
Were you more sick while pregnant with your twins or your singleton?
How did you get through having hyperemesis with a young child?
How did you find ways to nourish your body while struggling with hyperemesis?
How was it carrying twins? How does it feel on your body?
Tips for getting through that mental game of waiting when you’re overdue.
What’s the reality of postpartum with twins?
What does a typical day look like for you?
What support did you put in place that practically helped you in your postpartum with twins?
How do you go about dividing your time between your four year old and your 7-week old twins?
What are things you should not say to a twin mum?
What are some newborn essentials for twins?
Listen to Leila’s episode on The Boob to Food Podcast
Listen to Rana’s episode on Beyond the Bump
Follow Leila on Instagram: @villageformama
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
In our 181st episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Kasey Edwards. Kasey is a researcher and coauthor of the book, Raising Girls Who Like Themselves – that’s all we need to say and we hope you enjoy!!!
Should we be raising our girls and boys differently?
How can we teach our daughters body love and acceptance?
What is the key to body confidence?
Should we be avoiding Barbie TV shows, fairytales and old school Disney princess movies?
How do we respond to our daughters when they ask us why we are putting on make-up or shaving our legs?
How do we tackle conversations with our kids when they’re wearing clothing that is inappropriate or want to be nude?
How do we help our kids make their own choices and decisions?
How do we teach our children what a good friend is?
Social media – when do we know that they're ready for it and how do we prepare them for it?
What’s the best way to teach our kids about consent and sex? And at what age should this start?
What if our daughter (four years old) is flirtatious and loves attention from older boys? Should we be worried?
How do we foster having independent, assertive and fierce girls, but still being able to parent them without squashing their self esteem?
Raising Girls Who Like Themselves
Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves
Help your daughter choose friends who are good for her:
Body confidence family health check:
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
In our 180th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Sophie and Nick and they answer all your questions about the fourth trimester with Pearl – how it’s been, how being a family of three has been, the hard parts, the good parts etc.
Which has been the hardest transition, 0-1 kids, 1-2 kids or 2-3 kids?
Tips for finding balance as well as time for yourself with three kids?
What’s your favourite part about having three kids?
What was harder, the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or the first 12 weeks having a newborn?
How has Pearl’s postpartum compared to the other two?
Sophie, how do you go about asking Nick for help?
How do you find time for each other amongst the chaos?
What do you do each day just for yourselves?
Top tips for preparing older kids for a new sibling.
How did you handle visitors in the newborn days? Did you have any set boundaries?
How is Pearl’s sleep at 12 weeks and is she in a routine?
What are the sleeping arrangements? And what does bedtime look like with three kids?
Top tips for sleep deprivation and how to remain optimistic during the newborn haze?
Are you sure you won't have a fourth?
Sophie, have you recovered physically? And how are you feeling about your postpartum body?
What baby items can Sophie not live without?
Is there anything they wish they had done differently in the newborn days?
Resource links:
Bednest Bedside Bassinet Co Sleeper
Beyond by BabyLove nappies
BabyDink Carrier Code: SOPHIE10
Baby loungers: Snuggle Me Organic or Linen Social
Bath Support from The Memo
The Essential Milk Bra (leakproof): MILK LABEL
Haakka Ladybug Code: SVPEARCE10
Modibodi Undies
Disposable Postpartum Underwear: Bubba Bump Baby
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
In our 179th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat to Jess. Jess is a speech pathologist and we chat to her all about thumb sucking and dummy use. This can be a pretty heated topic where parents have so many questions like, ‘what damage am I causing?’ versus ‘I need to use this to survive!’
Dummy versus thumb sucking. Is one better than the other?
Is there anything we can do to encourage thumb sucking? Or are some kids just into it and others aren’t?
Conversely, should we discourage thumb sucking and use a dummy instead?
What are the main concerns with thumb/finger sucking?
How would we go about weaning thumb/finger sucking? And how do we do it at night?
Everyone seems to be getting braces when they’re older nowadays, so why does it matter if our bubs move their teeth around with their thumbs?
What can we do if their thumbs keep getting blistered and sore?
Dummies — do they deserve the bad rap that they get?
What are the pros and cons of dummies?
When should we introduce the dummy?
Do dummies reduce the risk of SIDS?
If our bubs are less than one year old, what is the best way to wean a dummy?
How often are we supposed to be replacing and/or sterilising dummies?
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.