Beyond the Bump

Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce. This podcast is targetted at mums, just like you. A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people. The aim is to have you feeling lighter, more supported and more understood after each listen.

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Tuesday May 02, 2023

In our 178th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Erica from Chronicles of Play. Erica is a primary school teacher and a play enthusiast and we chatted all about the best kids toys, what we can get longevity out of, how to encourage independent play, imagination, creativity and so much more!!! We hope you enjoy!!!
What is ‘normal’ play for each age group/development?
Tips for those who feel embarrassed singing to their bubs.
What are the main things that we’re looking for when choosing toys for our kids?
What is open-ended play?
Why do children always play with things that are not toys?
Are lighter, bright, loud toys bad for our babies? 
Will our kids be more creative if they learn to play with wooden, natural toys?
How do we know when a child has outgrown a toy?
What are toy libraries? And how do they work?
What are some examples of long-term toys?
How important is playing with our kids? What amount of time should be with us versus independent play?
Advice for mums who are struggling to play with their sons and stereotypical boy toys.
When we’re playing with our kids, should we be thinking about entertainment or education?
Tips for learning to play with other kids. And at what age is it important for this to start happening?
How can we help encourage independent play?
Resources mentioned:
Listen to, So let’s talk screen time - with Brad, Child Psychologist of Unplugged Psychologist on Apple Podcast and Spotify
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

In our 177th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Annette. Annette shares with us her experience and journey with postnatal depression after having her second child. We hope you enjoy!!!
Resource links:
In a crisis call Lifeline: 13 11 14
PANDA hotline: 1300 726 306 
Follow PANDA Australia on Instagram @pandanational
Gidget Foundation 
Beyond Blue
Butterfly Foundation
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Thursday Apr 20, 2023

In our 176th BONUS episode of Beyond the Bump, we’re talking all things parenting porkies – whether that be little white lies that you tell your kids or maybe just full blown lies that your parents told you! We hope you enjoy!!!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

In our 175th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with the beautiful Beth Ryan from @birthwithbeth_. Beth is a midwife and founder of PowerBirth online courses and today she talks to us all about inductions! We hope you enjoy!!!
Beth talks about her online course, Positive Induction of Labour, and why she decided to put it together
What is an induction? And would a stretch and sweep be considered one?
What are the most common reasons that people will get induced?
Can you get induced for a VBAC?
What about big babies? What questions should we be asking if we are being recommended to have an induction due to the size of our bub?
Can you just opt for an induction for any reason?
Are there different types of inductions?
Is induction more painful than natural contractions? 
Is there benefit after you get your waters broken, waiting a while to see if that puts you into labour?
If we want an epidural, at what point in the induction process is it recommended?
Once the drip is up and we're in established labour, can the drip then be turned off?
Do you have to have continuous monitoring with an induction?
Cascade of intervention – what does that mean and is it a legitimate thing?
Is the negative stigma surrounding inductions justified?
Resource links:
Follow Beth on Instagram @birthwithbeth_
Take Beth’s online birth course PowerBirth
Take Beth’s online Positive Induction of Labour course
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

In our 174th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Jossie. Jossie reached out to us saying that she has been going through IVF for over 5 years - she has such a layered story with elements that we feel all our listeners can relate to. We hope you enjoy!!!
Jossie talks about being a gay woman who is with a transgender male partner.
Were there any hard times during Jossie’s teen years due to her sexuality?
When did Jossie’s reproductive journey begin? And when did she know that she needed IVF?
What’s the difference between IUI and IVF?
Jossie talks about having bi-polar and endometriosis and going through IVF
What is the difference between an IVF cycle versus a transfer?
What's it like living with bi-polar? And does Jossie ever have manic episodes?
Jossie talks about that excruciating two-week wait after an IVF transfer
What does the process of choosing a sperm donor entail?
What’s the process of egg donation? And was it something Jossie had ever considered?
Does Jossie and her partner plan on raising their child gender neutral?
What is social infertility?
What is the best way you can support someone going through IVF and/or infertility issues?
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

In our 173rd episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Ruth. Ruth is a physio from Exhale Physiotherapy and she chats to us all about postpartum pelvic floor - what’s normal, what to look out for, what are issues and what can be done about them! We hope you enjoy!!!
Is it called the pelvic floor because it feels like our insides are on the floor postpartum?
What is the pelvic floor?
What if your pelvic floor is tight before giving birth, is that going to make you tear faster during birth? 
Does anyone go from a ‘normal’ pelvic floor to a ‘too tight’ one postpartum?
We all know that our pelvic floor feels very foreign postpartum, but how do we know what it’s meant to feel like after giving birth versus being concerned because what we’re experiencing is outside what should be expected postpartum?
What are some things in birth that can put us at greater risk of having pelvic floor trauma?
The word episiotomy is thrown around a lot — why are they done and how do we recover from them?
Is our pelvic floor completely intact post c-section?
Should we all see a  pelvic floor physio postpartum? And approx. how much would it cost?
Should everyone be doing their kegel exercises? And how do we know we’re doing them correctly?
Prolapse — what is it and what are we looking for?
There’s conflicting information regarding menstrual cups and what the suction can do to our cervix? Should we be avoiding them postpartum?
If we have a mild prolapse but it’s not severe enough to have surgery, are there any tools we can use to make us feel more comfortable day to day?
Why is surgery controversial when it comes to prolapse?
Bladder leakage — what are realistic expectations? 
Stress incontinence — what can we do?  
Top tips for getting back into exercise postpartum
Tips for enjoying sex again postpartum
Abdominal separation — is this something we should be worried about?
Resources mentioned:
Bowl shaped menstrual cups: 
Nixit @letsnixit
Hello Period @helloperiodco
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski Ph.D
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

In our 172nd episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Naomi. Naomi is a postpartum doula and she talks to us all about returning to work after having bub and how to make the transition that little bit easier. We hope you enjoy!!!
How can we be motivated to go back to work when over half our salary is going to go straight towards childcare? 
Currently what are parents entitled to in terms of maternity and paternity leave after having a baby?
If you were working full time before you went on maternity leave but after 12 months you decide to go back part time, is the employer obliged to accept that or not?
What are ways to make a workplace more flexible? What are some examples of things we can request?
How to have those discussions and set those boundaries so that part time is actually part time?
Returning to work and being ignored for promotions while others that are less qualified and experienced are moving up the ranks! What to do?
What happens if you’re returning to work but want to have another baby soon?
If we are in the position to choose when to go back to work, how do we know when is the right time?
How do we find passion in our work when all we want to do is be home with our kid/s?
How do we juggle the mental load when returning to work?
Tips for getting out of the house in the mornings?
How to deal with mum guilt when returning to work?
How do we navigate pumping and/or feeding when returning to work? 
How on earth can we get a job done when we’re constantly having to pick up our sick kid/s from daycare?
If we feel like we have baby brain/brain fog, how on earth do we return to work?
Resource links:
Follow Naomi on IG: @cocoonbynaomi
‘Returning to work without losing your mind’ course
Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less by Tiffany Dufu
Esther Perel: Your Guide to Relational Intelligence
Fair Work Commission | Australia
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

In our 171st episode of Beyond the Bump, Dr Timmy is back in the poddy pod!! And he’s here to talk about pregnancy myths versus facts. We hope you enjoy!!!
When I’m pregnant, I can’t:
Drink coffee
Eat soft serves
Eat sushi? And I can’t eat seafood because of the mercury
Eat deli meats and soft cheese
Eat runny eggs and/or eggs in general
Pineapples can cause miscarriages so I should avoid them in pregnancy
Avoiding foods during pregnancy leads to a greater risk of bub being allergic to that food
I can have tiny bits of alcohol when I’m pregnant
If I take Ondansetron or Zofran during pregnancy it increases the risk of my child being born with a cleft lip/palate
Ultrasounds are bad for the baby
I have to sleep on my side, not on my back during pregnancy
Your baby’s gender is impacted by the time in the cycle that you have sex
Nausea is worse if you’re having a girl
There are different cravings during pregnancy based on gender? Sweet it’s a girl. Savoury if it’s a boy
Carrying low means you’re having a boy
A faster heart rate is likely to be a girl and a slower one a boy
Heartburn means your bub has lots of hair
It’s a good sign if I have nausea at the start of my pregnancy
I should not do high intensity exercise during my pregnancy
Hot baths, saunas and spas are dangerous when I’m pregnant
I should be weighted at every antenatal appointment
Can I do laser hair removal when pregnant? What about Botox and/or other cosmetic procedures?
Can I dye or bleach my hair?
Can I smoke/vape during pregnancy?
Resource links
Quit Centre - Pregnancy and Maternal Health
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

In our 170th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat to Emily from the Playful Psychologist all about sibling rivalry and sibling fighting. Our listeners have been asking for this topic for a while now and we ourselves feel like we could do with some tips and tricks too! We hope you enjoy!
If we have an only child, how do we ensure we teach our kids the same social developmental skills as those kids with siblings? 
If you have more than one child, what is considered a ‘normal’ amount of fighting?
Are there any kinds of behaviours to look out for that may indicate this has gone too far? How far is too far? 
What do you do in the situations when one of your children is always dobbing on the other?
Is there a certain age gap where fighting and rivalry is worse? Or is it pretty much going to happen with all siblings?
When should we intervene? And how do we intervene so that it doesn’t come across as us favouring one child over the other?
At what age are children expected to be able to share?  
Does it matter whose fault it is?
How do we teach our kids that not everything is a competition?
What to do if the older kid is a little too forceful towards the younger sibling?
How do we respond to our older child if they’re saying they, 'Hate their brother or sister!' or 'Can my brother and sister go back now!’
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

In our 169th episode of Beyond the Bump, Sophie FINALLY tells us about her birth with baby Pearl! We hope you enjoy!!
You can listen to Sophie's previous two birth stories: EP12: Sophie's two rapid births and the jump from one to two, on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.  
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

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