Beyond the Bump
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce. This podcast is targetted at mums, just like you. A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people. The aim is to have you feeling lighter, more supported and more understood after each listen.

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
In our 119th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with paediatric physio, Nicole all about why not to worry about reaching those gross motor milestone with our little ones!!
When it comes to gross motor skills, why is it that kids can differ so much?
Let’s get real about milestones! What are milestones and when should parents be concerned about them?
How often should we be doing tummy time? And how do we get our babies to not hate it?
Is there too much time for a baby to spend in a carrier? And does that hinder development?
How do you know if your child has hip dysplasia?
Are there any concerns if your baby hits their milestones too early?
How can your toddlers fall so much and still be okay?
What is plagiocefalie? And are there things we can do to avoid it?
Should our children learn to walk in shoes or bare feet?
What about knock-knees and bow-legged?
And soooo MUCH MORE!!!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Baby play academyBaby wearers associationThe Wonder Weeks App
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
In our 118th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Jayde’s sister-in-law and best friend Greta. We have Greta in the poddy today because of her strength - she became a single mum last year while she was pregnant with her second child. We hope this episode inspires and motivates women who are in relationships that they no longer want to be in.
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodie mentioned:Social worker at Centrelink 1800RESPECTBTB single mamas club!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
In our 117th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with dermatology nurse Emily all about different pregnancy skin concerns:
Is it common to get skin changes during pregnancy?
Do pregnancy skin changes tend to be flare-ups of skin conditions that you’ve already suffered from in the past?
Does it tend to be that if you suffered from a certain skin condition in one pregnancy, you’ll probably have the same skin condition in another pregnancy?
Do most of these skin conditions resolve postpartum?
Are melasma and hyperpigmentation the same thing? And how do you treat them?
What changes should you make to our skin care regime if you’ve just found out you’re pregnant?
What are the benefits of LED?
Is there anything you can do to avoid skin issues during pregnancy?
Is there a difference between eczema and dermatitis? And is it genetic?
Are there any supplements for pregnancy hair loss/postpartum hair regrowth? Or is this something you just have to ride out?
Stretch marks! For those who want to avoid or decrease them, are there any oils/treatments that work?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
In our 116th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with one of Sophie’s best mates, Catie, all about her experience through pregnancy, childbirth and post partum. We chat a lot about identity, particularly our change in identity during this time. This is an incredible episode. It’s a little bit different to our typical episodes but this one is really genuine and down to earth and we hope you enjoy!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
In our 115th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with paediatric speech pathologist, Jamie. Jamie answers all your speech and language development questions:
What is speech? What is language? And how do these differ?
What are some of the reasons that our children may have difficulties with speech sounds?
Do tongue ties really influence speech?
How do dummies and thumb sucking affect speech?
What about sippy cups? Are they a yay or a nay?
Does screen time affect speech?
Does living in a multilingual household confuse kids speech or improve their speech?
Is it true that boys are generally slower than girls at starting to talk?
How can we encourage speaking? Is it better to talk to our kids in baby talk or normally?
Should we correct our kids when they mispronounce words (even if it’s super cute!)?
What age should we start putting emphasis on manners?
What are some causes of language and speech delays?
What’s the go with lisps?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Follow Jamie on IG @nourished.babes
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
In our 114th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with supermodel and a new mama, Georgia Fowler.
Has Georgia experienced any sleep regression with her new bub?
Did Georgie experience any morning sickness during her pregnancy?
Is the modelling industry changing and becoming more accepting of different body shapes and sizes?
How does Georgia feel about going back to modelling after having a baby?
Advice for anyone struggling with their pregnant or postpartum bodies
What happens behind the scenes of a Victoria secret fashion show?
Did Georgia go into the birth with any expectations?
Did Georgia and her partner choose to find out the gender of the baby or was it a surprise?
How was Georgia’s recovery from an episiotomy?
How’s Georgia’s sex life postpartum?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:Aquamamma
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
In our 113th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Meggie from PepTalkHer. Meggie is an Australian expat that lives in New York. She runs a business that’s all about empowering women to know their worth financially!!!
What is the gender pay gap in the developed world? And what are the reasons for the gender pay gap?
How can we juggle being a good mother, lover, and employee? Can we really do it all or do we need to lower our expectations?
How do companies get away with paying women less than men?
Why we should start talking more openly about money!
How to not take ‘desperate energy’ into a new job (if you are feeling desperate!)
What is the great resignation?
If we want a promotion, how often should we be asking for it?
What are some ways we can increase our confidence?
Do we need to disclose that we are pregnant when applying for a new job?
Tips on adjusting to part-time work when we’ve always worked full-time
Where can women seek help and ideas for a potential career change?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:peptalkher.comFree PepTalkHer App (Apple)Free PepTalkHer App (Android)Follow @peptalkher on IG
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
In our 112th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Yara, from Life After Birth Psychology. Yara is a psychologist who specialises in women during pregnancy but especially postpartum who are dealing with identity changes and becoming a mother. In this episode, we speak to Yara all about mum rage!
What is mum rage? Is it common and is it normal?
What is the difference between anger and rage?
Some practical strategies to help with mum rage
What happens when we suppress anger?
Is mum rage a primary or secondary emotion?
How breathwork can be so powerful in helping you manage your mum rage
How do you know if your mum rage has gone a little bit too far? And does it mean that you’re depressed?
How to cope with rage towards your partner
How can we help defuse/deescalate our partner's rage?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Why Am I So Angry? Workshop with Yara PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia Tapping Solution
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
In our 111th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with sexologist, Juliet Allen. We ask her all your questions about spicing up the bedroom.
How can mother and lover coexist?
Is there a shortcut for parent parents to fast-track stimulation if they don’t have time for foreplay?
Tips on having sex when you co-sleep or share a room with your baby/toddler
How can you help your partner increase their sex drive to match yours if you have a higher libido than them?
Why it’s completely "normal" to have lulls in your sex life!
Tips for whoever is still trying to get their head around their partner watching porn
Is there a time when porn can become an issue in a relationship?
Are threesomes beneficial or detrimental to relationships and how can one go about having a threesome with their partner?
Do lubricants help with libido and should we be using them all the time?
How would you recommend using The Juliet Pleasure Wand™?
And MORE!!!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode! We also hope it gives you a bit of a laugh because (Jayde especially!) opened up about some absolute pearlers in this one!
Goodies mentioned:The Juliet Pleasure Wand™LubricantsPleasure School
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
In our 110th episode of Beyond the Bump, we do a bit of a recap of what we've been up to over the festive break.
We asked you guys to send in any stories of your festive season. There were highs, there were lows, there were gifting disasters, there were all sorts of things.
So, know that if you had highs, you're not alone. If you had lows, you're not alone. If you had COVID, you're definitely not alone because there was a lot of that.
And yeah, we hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Just a quick warning, in this episode, we do talk about the mythology of Santa! There is also a lot of piss and poo talk too. So yeah, if you're feeling generally queasy, maybe steer clear!
Join our Beyond the Bump Podcast Facebook Groups:BTB MAMA MATES MEET UPSChats for BTB Legends!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.