Beyond the Bump

Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce. This podcast is targetted at mums, just like you. A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people. The aim is to have you feeling lighter, more supported and more understood after each listen.

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Monday Oct 25, 2021

In our 99th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with physios, Jenna and Sam all about prolapse, particularly postpartum prolapse:
What is prolapse?
How do you know if you have a prolapse?
The difference between incontinence and prolapse
Are you using different muscles when holding in your bladder versus doing pelvic floor exercises?
What are the different grades of prolapse?
Should all postpartum women be checked for prolapse?
Will you forever have to manage a prolapse?
What is the importance of doing pelvic floor exercises and should you do them whilst you’re pregnant?
Is there anything else we can do other than pelvic floor exercises to try and decrease the risk of developing a prolapse?
What are pessaries?
Are prolapses more common in women carrying twins and triplets?
Can symptoms of prolapse happen after your 6-week check?
How do women know if they need to be operated on?
Does hyperemesis increase your risk of prolapse?
Can menstrual cups lead to prolapse?
And MORE!!!!
 We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!Goodies mentioned:
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Oct 18, 2021

In our 98th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with the beautiful Alana from @mummyplusmumma. She is the mum of Leo and is part of a same sex relationship.
Alana talks to us about her and her partner’s very long journey of IVF to conceive their beautiful little bub.
How to pick a doner? What’s the difference between anonymous and de-identified donors and what’s the laws in Australia around this? The realities of IVF? How was Alana’s birth experience? Was there gender disappointment? The legalities around not being the biological mum of your child and MORE!
Trigger warning! We do speak about IVF, miscarriage, and genetic testing in this episode.
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people.
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Oct 11, 2021

In our 97th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with the incredible Claire Holt – you may know her from H2O: Just Add Water, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Pretty Little Liars. 
We had such a blast talking to her all about her motherhood journey:
What is it like having a 17-month age gap between kids?
How can you help a friend who is going through a miscarriage?
Claire’s talks about her difficulties with breastfeeding
What were both of Claire’s birth experiences and post-partum periods like?
Being in the spotlight, did Claire feel any unrealistic expectations on her post-partum body?
Has motherhood changed Claire’s career?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Oct 04, 2021

In our 96th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Derek from We ask him all your questions about our little ones' mental wellbeing:
Who are the main people accessing
Have the recent lockdowns in Australia exacerbated parent’s reaching out for help?
Does increased screen time play a part in children's mental health?
Is there any information on the impact of masks on kids’ mental health and social abilities going forward?
Does leaving babies to cry/self-settle have an impact on their future mental health?
Is an anxious child born an anxious child? Is there anything we can do when our kids are young to reduce their risk of having mental child issues later on?
Is childcare generally beneficial or negative for kids’ mental health?
There’s a real move towards ‘gentle parenting’ at the moment, is there hard evidence around ‘gentle parenting’ vs ‘disciplinary parenting’?
Is there research around whether or not bum smacking can negatively impact children's mental health?
At what age should we start speaking to our children about mental health issues?
What is separation anxiety and what’s normal vs. requires some professional assistance?
What helps build a child’s resilience?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Raising Healthy Minds App
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Sep 27, 2021

In our 95th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with Charlotte all about her recent home birth experience:
What was Charlotte’s decision and reasoning behind having a home birth?
How did Charlotte go about picking a doula?
What is the average cost of home birth in Australia?
What does the preparation involve?
What happens if something goes wrong during a home birth?
What happens after and who cleans up? What kind of pain relief/monitoring can you receive?
Advice for women who are considering a home birth but feel they are getting other people’s fears projected on them and MORE!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Follow Charlotte on instagram at @thelivingdoula
Birth Time: the Documentary
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes.

Monday Sep 20, 2021

In our 94th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with speech pathologist, Jamie from @nourish.babes. We ask her all your questions about your fussy/cautious little eaters:
Is it ever too late to start implementing healthier eating habits?
Is it a good idea to “hide” vegetables in meals?
Is there anything we can do when we’re first introducing food to our bubs to decrease the chance of them being fussy eaters later on?
How can we stop our children from throwing food?
Thoughts on feeding your kids in front of the tv/iPad?
How much food is too much food?
Tips for keeping them at the table during mealtime, healthy snack ideas and MORE!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding 
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Thursday Sep 16, 2021

Our bonus, 93rd episode of Beyond the Bump is an absolute ripper of an episode – we chat all about MUM BRAIN. We share some of our listeners’ best mum brain stories and we think it's going to leave a lot of women feeling supported and understood!
To all the mum's out there feeling like they've lost their brain, this is for you! 
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
 Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Sep 13, 2021

Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
In our 92nd episode of Beyond the Bump, we talk to Kate and Joff, a beautiful couple who decided with their third child to go down the route of sex selection. 
We know this is a bit of a controversial topic; however, we think that Kate and Joff speak about it very eloquently, openly, and honestly. We totally understand that people are going to have mixed opinions about this episode so we ask that anyone that comments, please keep things respectful. 
We hope you enjoy!
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Sep 06, 2021

Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
In our 91st episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with award-winning international psychologist, family coach, child educator and nanny, Hélène all about parental burnout. We felt this chat was very timely given the state of Australia and many parents feeling just completely over the whole gig.
Just a quick trigger warning that we touch very briefly on suicidal thoughts and child abuse in this episode!
We ask Hélène all your questions about burnout:
What is the difference between parental burnout and depression?
Is it common for parental burnout to come and go?
What are the risks involved?
Is mum rage a sign of parental burnout?
Are stay at home parents more at risk of parental burnout?
Tips for parental burnout in lockdown! How can we communicate parental burnout with our partner and to the older generation?
Advice to parents who are in parental burnout. When does it end?
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
Schedule a Burnout Test with Helene -
To take the Burnout Test -
Join Hélène’s FaceBook group -
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

Monday Aug 30, 2021

Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce! A podcast targeted at mums, just like you! A place to have real conversations with honest and authentic people. 
In our 90th episode of Beyond the Bump, we chat with sexologist, Juliet Allen. We ask her all of your sex questions with a specific focus on past partum sex: 
What are some tips to keep the spark alive when you are trying for a baby?
How can we enjoy sex while pregnant? Will having sex for the first time post partum hurt no matter what?
Is it “normal” to have no sex drive post partum and is this greater if the mum is breastfeeding?
What is vaginismus?
Is it normal for your orgasms to change after having a baby?
Should you fake it if you’re not feeling it, but your partner is?
Is it bad if you’re needing a vibrator to orgasm? Tips for getting an orgasm through penetrative sex.
And so much MORE!
We hope you absolutely LOVE this episode!
Goodies mentioned:
What’s Your Love Language™? Quiz
Juliet’s Pleasure School
Follow us on Instagram at @beyondthebump.podcast to stay up to date with behind the scenes and future episodes. 

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